Kingston Terrace Master Plan has resumed!

Work on the Kingston Terrace Master Plan has resumed! The Kingston Terrace Master Plan is an effort to guide future growth and development in the 528-acre Kingston Terrace area.

Thus far, the project team has reported on existing conditions, refined the project vision and goals, and laid out draft planning frameworks for natural systems, mobility, housing affordability, land use and urban design, and infrastructure and financing. The next phase of the project is developing a transportation network that drives the other elements of the master plan.

The analysis will identify and evaluate transportation network alternatives for the Kingston Terrace area with an emphasis on potential east/west connections. Factors to be considered include, but are not limited to vehicle traffic, pedestrian and bicycle access and safety, neighborhood livability, environmental impacts, and cost. The Alternatives Analysis identify a preferred course of action to provide options for vehicular and active transportation.

Additional opportunities for community members to engage in this phase of the process will be provided in spring 2022. We anticipate the project will be completed in winter 2022. Check back soon for more details!

Project website: