City Manager Office

The City Manager’s office is staffed by the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Clerk, and City Recorder. The office manages the city's business and implements the City Council's plans and orders.
The city manager is appointed by the mayor with the consent of the City Council. The King City Municipal Code establishes the following duties for the city manager.

  •  Supervises City staff including hiring, terminating, evaluating, disciplining and training employees.  May delegate the daily supervision of some employees to department heads.
  • Manages all City contracts to ensure that all terms of franchises, leases, permits and other legal documents are fulfilled.
  • Exercise control and supervision of all activities, departments, and offices, except the office of      municipal judge and the office of city attorney.
  • Serve the chief budget and fiscal officer of the city and shall      perform the functions of the budget officer      as prescribed by the Local Budget Law of Oregon.
  • Prepare and submit to the mayor and council financial and activity      reports.
  • Coordinate the work of all City departments and employees.
  • Making recommendations to the Council on legislation, financial      programs, capital improvements, policies, services, and other matters as      requested.
  • Serve as the chief purchasing and business agent.
  • Make available to the public usual and customary information      concerning the operations of the city government.

Mike graduated with his Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Oregon. He has an extensive background in planning, development, and operations. Many of his activities including but not limited to staff supervision, budgeting, legal interpretation, project consulting, management and presentations, comprehensive current and long-range planning, subdivision administration and design.

His career in Public Administration involved extensive project management and coordination involving communications, logistics, timelines, budget, and team leadership.

Mr. Weston has collaborated and cooperated with nearly every aspect of State and Federal Government(i.e., Army Corp of Engineers, FEMA, Department of State Lands, CREST, Oregon Department of Transportation, Coast Guard, Camp Rilea, etc.)